Thursday, September 8, 2011

Denmark, Copenhagen: Sept. 11, 2011: Art from the Streets - Becomeone

Copenhagen DK: Becomeone
Art from the streets

Public opening Sunday September 11 from 13 - 17 PM

Artstra Gallery
Skt Peders Stræde 23
1453 Copenhagen K

Streetart and spray / airbrush artist Bill Thystrup exhibits a collection of works in the gallery, which is the product of his work with paintings on canvas over the past two years. His artistic expression is influenced by his background as a graffiti artist, where the raw and urban elements from the streetart and graffiti-style blends in with the classical painting style, in a world full of symbolism, emotion, colors and surrealism.
The style of the works are very graphic in the design, and the colors are often clear and bright in the expressive portraits and imagery.

Bill Thystrup (Becomeone) is a prominent name in the international Streetart and graffiti scene, and he has collaborated and painted together with a line-up of internationally recognized streetart / spray artists in countries such as USA, France, Spain and Germany. He has over 12 years of experience in mural painting, and has completed commissioned works for a large number of prominent clients, including Københavns kommune, CowParade, Dawn Events. Cirius (EU) and many more.