Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Keith Olbermann calls for feet in the street, before it's too late

Wow. Listen to the whole thing.

On the other hand, there's been some declaring of victory for The People today also. Check that link for the optimistic view, summaries and links to official docs. It also says Pell Grants are intact so far, which will be a huge relief to many of the college students in the US.

Bottom line, the governments and corporations are just too friendly with each other. They are running increasingly expensive wars for fun and profit, on our backs. We need a bunch of new players, ASAP.

I hope we can do it the gentle way, by voting better people in, by putting ourselves in areas of influence, by holding politicians to account, by working for change, and by making our voices heard. We can't afford to let the ignorance, power and greed of the powerful and noisy few ruin our lives and our planet. This is not the governing we deserve.