Friday, June 11, 2010

Billboard art competition in Poland: Deadline August 10, 2010

We would like to invite you to take part in a billboard art competition. The invitation is addressed to all interested artists and students worldwide. There is no entry fee.

The best 10 artworks selected by an international jury panel will be printed and exhibited in the urban space of the city of Torun, Poland in September/October 2010. The author of the winning entry will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 7000 (approx. EURO 1750, $2200).

The competition accompanies the 3rd Festival of Art on Billboards, Art Moves.

The artwork is supposed to be a creative response to this year's competition theme:
"Together or apart?"

This slogan can serve as a kind of a metaphor of the processes taking place in the contemporary world. Both individuals and the whole societies are faced with such a choice. Do they want to live together, contribute, collaborate and, as a result create shared value, or do they want to lead a separate, individual life of their own? Is it better to be single or in a stable relationship? Is being a member of a larger organization, like the European Union better than staying apart? Is it better to feel a part of your nation or rather an individual citizen? The possible interpretations are multiple. So, together or apart?

The entries can be sent by email until 10 August, 2010 to the following address:

Find more information about the Competition and Festival at: