Sunday, October 7, 2012

DC: Oct. 6-28, 2012: Quiet walks in dangerous places - ULTRA

quiet walks in dangerous places

Asad “ULTRA” Walker

The Fridge, 8th St. (rear) SE WDC

The Fridge is presenting the first solo show from Asad “ULTRA” Walker, a DC graffiti artist who has been creating work for 30 years. At quiet walks in dangerous placesULTRA will show a series of all new portraits using his signature lean, angular style. ULTRA’s portraits are inspired by the people he has seen while working in the early morning hours on the streets of DC.

“When you’re out late in DC, you see a life that most people don’t experience. You notice these crazy, beautiful things that a normal person would overlook. I want to take the images and personalities of these people I’ve met into a gallery setting. I'm painting portraits of everyday people like a bouncer who has been working for 25 years and more known DC figures like H.R. from Bad Brains. I want to show the beauty of the people I see around me,” says ULTRA.


ULTRA’s paintings use geometric shapes painted in faint monochromatic tones that layer to form light and shadow. He started writing HOBO in DC-style go-go graffiti in 1981. In the late 80’s, he moved to NYC where he picked up ideas for new styles and approaches to his art. When he moved back to DC, he changed his name to ULTRA after Ultraman, a Japanese television series that was his favorite growing up. Over his career, ULTRA took a love for graffiti styles with seemingly simple designs, like straight letters, to develop his signature streamlined, angular style.

ULTRA has previously shown work at the Smithsonian, MOCA Gallery, Workhouse Gallery, Art Whino, Lamont Bishop Gallery, Torpedo Factory, and more.


INTRO TO GRAF WORKSHOP; October 14, 1 – 3pm: Learn how to start creating your own graffiti art from veteran artist ULTRA who has watched styles in DC and NY develop for three decades. $20 for materials and supplies.

FILM SCREENING/TALK BACK; October 21, 1 – 3pm: A screening and talk back featuring three films, including the 2008 Paris Bustillos film BORF! about internationally known, DC stencil graffiti artist John Tsombikos. BORF showedPotty-trained at Gunpoint at The Fridge in 2010.

CLOSING PARTY/ARTIST TALK; October 28, 1-3pm: An informal talk about the artist’s history, influences and style.