Ecuador has the pleasure to be the focus and center of discussion on the universal language called "Graffiti - Street Art."
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, will host the second "SUDAMERICA GRAFFITI MEETING" in which more than 60 artists will take part, from countries such as: USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador.
The meeting will take place from April 22 - 24 (Spring Break), the event is organized by a local crew (MFC) with the collaboration of the Northern Zonal Administration in the Metropolitan District of Quito.
If you are interested on being a guest at the event, send the following information ASAP:
- Tag
- Crew
- Country
- City
- Name
- Web page where we can see your work
- and whatever else you consider necessary
check out the last's year event: