Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
The future of network computing, and what hackers do about it, affects us all
Together, we're in a world of trouble. Corporations and governments are conspiring to keep regular people down in every way possible. In our change from a mechanical world to a computerized world, now for the first time, it's possible for governments to spy on all of us, all the time, including every phone call, every email, everything digital we do.
If you think this sounds far fetched, this blog post is for you. If you're worried or not worried, this post is for you too.
This first video talk, below, is by two computer security researchers who build Tor, a privacy system that keeps activists and journalists, and soon graffiti writers, safer in places like Syria, Libya, China, your country and mine.
In the beginning of the talk they detail the Arab countries' revolutions this year, the role of Tor in those, and the importance of anonymous communication in preventing security services from chopping people up into small pieces and mailing them back to their families. Really. This last 10 minutes or so of the talk is essential. Please give the end of this talk a few minutes of your time, because it matters. Then pass it on.
I've bookmarked it so it starts near the end, but you can rewind it with the player controls to get the whole talk if you find you want more.
If you live in the Middle East, or you think this is an exaggerated threat, you must watch the whole thing. If you fear your government (or your mafia or your military or your employer) now or in the future, you should probably watch the whole thing too.
Read about Tor and maybe get and install it now, before it becomes both difficult and necessary to do so.
I encourage you to consider our collective online future with Corey Doctorow as well.
Corey's hair-raising rant on the future of computers (phones, games, iPads, etc.) and why it matters to us all. Video talk and text transcript. He also spoke to an audience of enthusiastic hackers this week at 28c3 (more videos there), a.k.a. the 28th Chaos Communications Camp in Germany. Both of these talks are from 28c3, and if you are a privacy, computer, or phone enthusiast, the other talks on YouTube from this event will blow your mind.
And last but certainly not least, here's the roundup of recent events featuring Anonymous and Lulzsec hacker collectives, at Wired's Threat Level.
Happy 2012! It's going to be interesting.
And now back to working on my Art Crimes web update, which should be available sometime on the first, with any luck....
Be careful out there. No drinking and driving. Watch out for the drunken fools. You are your biggest asset. Take care and take condoms.
RonPaul with former American Nazi Party member and current KKK Grand Wizard, Don Black
Be sure you understand who Ron Paul is before you decide to vote for him. Some Libertarian platform planks (like ending the war on drugs) are attractive, but putting a racist homophobe who is against women's right to choose is a very bad idea.,0&id=e2f15397-a3c7-4720-ac15-4532a7da84ca
"But, whoever actually wrote them, the newsletters I saw all had one thing in common: They were published under a banner containing Paul’s name, and the articles (except for one special edition of a newsletter that contained the byline of another writer) seem designed to create the impression that they were written by him--and reflected his views. What they reveal are decades worth of obsession with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and deeply held bigotry against blacks, Jews, and gays. In short, they suggest that Ron Paul is not the plain-speaking antiwar activist his supporters believe they are backing--but rather a member in good standing of some of the oldest and ugliest traditions in American politics."
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Video: Moscow crew CHO hits the streets
CHO "Комендантский Час" from CHO on Vimeo.
This nicely done crew video is all action and it has a very sweet heaven at the end. - Susan
Monday, December 26, 2011
Consider voting for Misk1's project
Misk1 is pitching a project and he needs you to vote yes, if you would like to see a graffiti-related project win. You might have to be on Facebook in order to vote. I'm not entirely sure. The idea is interesting, and he can definitely pull it off.
Check out Misk's wall. He's from San Francisco, California
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Designers: build your portfolio through battle, maybe win a little money
Generally, we take a pretty dim view of design contests and things that cause people to do work on spec, but there are some websites where you can battle in public for graphic arts money, which seems a bit more interesting.
Some of you might want to use sites like these to build your portfolios, get some design exercise, and see how you shape up next to the competition. If you're in a place where US$300 is a lot of money, you might even make rent.
Read the fine print. Often this sort of work will result in "work for hire" art, which means the copyright is sold with the design. When you sell your copyright, you can't sell that design again, but you can usually display it in your portfolio or hang the original on your wall.
If you have a choice, licensing the "right to use" your work is a better plan. That way when the license expires, the work belongs to you again. Of course, legal and copyright law likely varies by country.
call for artists,
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
video: BY THE TIME I GET TO ARIZONA - Chuck D in Chicago
BY THE TIME I GET TO ARIZONA mural project is a collaboration of several artists throughout the country. This mural, as executed by the Momentum Art Team over a period of two days, is located in a Chicago Westside neighborhood. Their goal was to recreate Chuck D's venture into the fine art medium for everyone to see. Chuck D, working in conjunction with Scenefour Art Collective, used this project to focus on the problems associated with ill-conceived immigration policies in Arizona. Watch as Momentum Art completely translates this message on a large scale.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Boy Scout varsity team in Colorado needs lettering from volunteer
They need "BSA" to use on a dozen or fewer shirts. It's a nonprofit group, so they have no money. If you'd like to help out, please contact Jodi to see what they need exactly.
call for artists,
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
New book: "Cause I Am" by Duro.CIA.TOP
We are pleased to announce the historical release publication of “Subway Writer” Duro CIA Top. In this intriguing and fascinating adventure of one of New York City's prolific underground artists of the mid 1970s, a subculture in which, depending on your point of view, has raised debates among the art community and the New York City officials who spent millions of dollars to eradicate and destroy the only contemporary American art form in history.
What started as a youth rebellion and political unrest in the streets of New York City has become a worldwide phenomenon, which has encouraged hundreds of thousands of young artists across the globe. Notwithstanding the criticism of their community and their family’s scrutiny; although in this publication Duro has covered the years 1957 to 1985, he intends to write the second publication of the same title ”CAUSE I AM” that cover the years 1986 to 2012, revealing a few subjects that not only will entertain you, but also state the facts about his life.
Unlike many books of this subject that deals with statements or quotes from different individuals, Duro conceived, wrote and has published his book himself. This achievement is a passionate undertaking considering that Duro has a learning disorder, little education, and no editorial experience. Duro with the help of today's technology is able to convey his desire to communicate to the public, that anything is possible when you are committed to following your dreams.
History manifests itself by past events, and outcomes that are remembered by civilizations and individuals, and once it is written down, it is not changeable, it is what it is, and very few of us, actually get to participate or be one of the subjects of history. Our dreams are connections of our self-consciousness. It is our desire to reach the unreachable; to dare you to overcome your limitations and boundaries, which is only attainable if you do not give up on yourself. “CAUSE I AM” who I say I am. The News Breaker Himself.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
NYC: January 12-28, 2012: Marka27

Neo Indigenous
Neo Indigenous celebrates the artist’s arrival and first solo show in Gotham. It also marks a shift in the artist’s cultural consciousness. His quest to bridge past with present illustrates his yearning to bring deeper meaning to both old and new art forms. Juxtaposing ancient elements with contemporary design aesthetics, Marka27 reveals both a connection and a disjuncture in the process. Challenging viewers to confront the existing practice of commodifying art, the exhibit leaves a lasting impression-- a mark Marka27 has predicated his reputation on.
Using multiple mediums such as paintings, collectible vinyl toys and speakers, silk screen panels, and prints, Neo Indigenous is a visual feast of the artist’s ability to float seamlessly between varying art forms. Having worked with clients such as Pioneer Electronics, VH1, Disney, Scion, and Kidrobot, Marka27’s solo debut in NYC is not one to be missed.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
CA, San Francisco: December 10, 2011 - January 7, 2012: Group Show
Featured Artists
- December 10th, 7pm to 11
- Richard Colman
- Andrew Schoultz
- Paul Wackers
- Glen Baldridge
- Frohawk TwoFeathers
- Ted Pushinsky
- Ben Venom
- Andy Diaz Hope
- Devin Troy Strother
- Libby Black
- Aaron Noble
- Jeff Canham
- Alisha Kerlin
- Steve Powers
- Sean McFarland
- Heidi Zumbrun
- Chris Duncan
- Joseph Hart
- David Jien
- Ala Ebtekar
Guerrero Gallery
Tuesday – Saturday 11a-7p | Sunday 12p-5p
SF Bay Area
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Using birth control pills for emergency, morning-after contraception
The "morning after pill" has been denied to many women, most recently in the United States, as an over-the-counter emergency contraception method. In a pinch, some kinds of birth control pill can be used:
Also, again in the USA, women can go to a Planned Parenthood clinic to receive a prescription for the morning-after pill, and you can get the prescription filled there as well in many cases.
Of course, prevention is so much better than cure, so be careful out there. Condoms help prevent disease, but they are not 100% effective for birth control, so women should use an additional method.
Also, again in the USA, women can go to a Planned Parenthood clinic to receive a prescription for the morning-after pill, and you can get the prescription filled there as well in many cases.
Of course, prevention is so much better than cure, so be careful out there. Condoms help prevent disease, but they are not 100% effective for birth control, so women should use an additional method.
safety tips
USA: Senator Bernie Sanders on how to save elections from corporate control
This is more important than just about anything else in the US right now. If corporations are "persons" and thus can put tons of money anonymously into elections, then they will control all the politicians, which would be disaster for everyone else.
This Senator, Bernie Sanders, is not a corporate tool. Please lend him your support, starting by listening to what he said about this issue that affects everything we do.
safety tips,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
France, Paris: December 10, 2011: PARIS FOREVER - LA 100EME EXPOSITION
Samedi 10 décembre 2011 / Saturday December 10th, 2011 18h à 21h / 6 to 9PM Galerie Magda Danysz 78 rue Amelot Paris 11 M° Saint Sebastien Froissart D’Erwin Olaf à Shepard Fairey, en passant par JonOne, Mark Ryden ou Ultralab, PARIS FOREVER retrace les choix de la galerie sur plus d’une centaine d’expositions réalisées. PARIS FOREVER célèbre ainsi la 100ème exposition de la galerie parisienne et réunit les artistes exposés à travers l’histoire de la galerie. C’est aussi l’occasion de découvrir des artistes jeunes et prometteurs tel Yang Yongliang, Maleonn ou Vhils. PARIS FOREVER présente des œuvres de près d'une centaine d'artistes et dessine un aperçu de plusieurs des grands mouvements d’art contemporain, la photographie, le street art, l’art numérique ou le Pop-surréalisme défendus sans exclusive par la galerie. From Erwin Olaf to Shepard Fairey, JonOne, Mark Ryden and such as Ultralab, PARIS FOREVER reminds us about the choices of the gallery over more than 100 exhibitions. PARIS FOREVER celebrates the 100th exhibition of the Parisian Magad Danysz gallery and brings together the artists showed through out the years. It is also the opportunity to discover young and promising artists such as Yang Yongliang, Maleonn or Vhils that have joined the gallery rooster more recently. PARIS FOREVER presents works by more than 80 artists and outlines some of the big movements that have emerged in recent years in contemporary art : from digital art to street art via Pop-surrealism, and the new Chinese contemporary scene, the gallery choices have always been looking towards emerging movements. |
A travers 100 expositions
From the 100 shows
9ème Concept / Jef Aerosol / Alexone / Alex Angi / Alex Barry / Gary Baseman / Becca / Damien Beguet / Maurice Benayoun / Stephane Bisseuil / Botto e Bruno / Aliki Braine / Stephane Carricondo / Clayton Brothers / C215 / Ray Caesar / Sas Christian / Richard Coleman / Crash / Dalek / Zhang Dali / Alain Declercq / Alain Delorme / Dface / David Ellis / EM/ Shepard Fairey – Obey / Daniel & Geo Fuchs / Futura / Gosia Galas / Bernard Gerboud / Mike Giant / Christian Gonzenbach / Maya Hayuk / Philippe Huart / Frank Hulsbomer / Space Invader / Jace / Jay / Jerk / Jonone / JR / Wang Keping / Dave Kinsey / Kosta Kulundzic / Karl Lagerfeld / Blek le Rat / Aurore Leblanc (music) / P. Nicolas Ledoux / Zbigniew Libera / Guillaume Linard / Linea di Confine / Lokiss / Lotie / Mireille Loup / Maleonn / Mambo / Guillaume Mary / Misery / Miss Van / Jean-Luc Moerman / Nasty / Ned / Mark Newton / Nunca / Octavie / Erwin Olaf / Laurina Paperina / José Parla / Marion Peck / Psy / Jacques Robert / Camille Rose Garcia / François Roy (radio.x-track) / Mark Ryden / Mathias Schmied / Julian Schnabel / Seen / Skki / Vladimir Skoda / Jeanne Suspuglas / Icon Tada / Miss Tic / Kris Trappeniers / Ultralab / Ruud Van Empel / Jennifer Vasher/ Jeanne Verdoux / Christian Vetter / Vhils / Vuk Vidor / West / Eric White / Yang Yongliang and many more…
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
CA, San Jose: Call for artists and December 23, 2011 closing/opening event
All artist call
Please send stickers & vandalized toys to:
Gift 2 Gab Gallery
190 Martha St Studio D
San Jose CA 95112
All toy artwork submitted will be displayed for sale as priced. 40% gallery/60% artist split, if sold. If art is not sold during 2 months it will be mailed back to the artist.
call for more info 1-408-9030616
December 23
For all the folks who missed the peeled pasted & posted show, we are bringing our show to a closer with one more night of sticker trading and new art added to the show! We are also opening our Christmas show with "vandalized toys" featuring new art work on toys n trinkets!...
We are also adding a taste of body bombing painting. 4 sexy gift 2 gab models will be getting painted all night long!
We will be having a big last min gift of art sale on all gallery products!
$5 fresh paint sale!
5 raffles going on all night. Paint pack, marker pack, sticker pack and t-shirts!
Raffle tickets with entrance fee.
First 50 guests get a free exclusive sticker print!
Live entertainment
food & drinks
call for artists,
SF Bay Area,
Monday, December 5, 2011
CA, Pamona: December 10, 2011: Persue, Bunny Kitty Girls, Montana
Featuring the Bunny Kitty Girls
Special Edition Montana Can Release and Signing
Opening Reception
Saturday December 10th 2011
6 - 9 pm
This event is FREE to attend and open to all.
168 West. 3rd St.
Pomona CA, 91766
Ph: 909.620.2772
art supplies,
TX, El Paso: Dec. 9-11, 2011: “Temple to the Future” Artist Project and Food/Clothing Drive
Bi-national local artists transform former Saddleblanket building and conduct food & clothing drive to benefit the Rescue Mission of El Paso
Organized by the El Paso Transnational Trolley Project, a visual arts campaign to bring cultural awareness for a transnational trolley system and border-crossing, a collection of regional artists from El Paso and Juarez will join forces to create an artistic borderland mural on the former Saddleblanket building located in Downtown El Paso (601 N. Oregon St.). They will also be conducting a food and clothing drive benefiting the Rescue Mission of El Paso.
Friday, December 9, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, December 11, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. (artist meet and greet)
Where: 601 N. Oregon St. (Former Saddleblanket Building)
Artists invited: Werc, Gera, Cimi, Grave, Deacon, InsideOut Project, Monica Lozano, Fusioneer, Rezizte, Jellyfish Collectivo, Exist1981, Mitsu Overstreet, Ed Stewart, Peter Svarzbein, Dert Cru, Ernesto Yerena, Skew, Durok, Stew Mo Primo, DK collective, Gems, Devix, Gibes, Adie, MYKER, Jenny Burton, Francella, Hunuku Collective, Maintain Collective
With generous support by: Art Center of El Paso, Fusion Magazine, DMD, & Bo-De-Gas
Organized by the El Paso Transnational Trolley Project, a visual arts campaign to bring cultural awareness for a transnational trolley system and border-crossing, a collection of regional artists from El Paso and Juarez will join forces to create an artistic borderland mural on the former Saddleblanket building located in Downtown El Paso (601 N. Oregon St.). They will also be conducting a food and clothing drive benefiting the Rescue Mission of El Paso.
Friday, December 9, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, December 11, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. (artist meet and greet)
Where: 601 N. Oregon St. (Former Saddleblanket Building)
Artists invited: Werc, Gera, Cimi, Grave, Deacon, InsideOut Project, Monica Lozano, Fusioneer, Rezizte, Jellyfish Collectivo, Exist1981, Mitsu Overstreet, Ed Stewart, Peter Svarzbein, Dert Cru, Ernesto Yerena, Skew, Durok, Stew Mo Primo, DK collective, Gems, Devix, Gibes, Adie, MYKER, Jenny Burton, Francella, Hunuku Collective, Maintain Collective
With generous support by: Art Center of El Paso, Fusion Magazine, DMD, & Bo-De-Gas
Sunday, December 4, 2011
TX, Houston: Urban Art classes
CKC StART Urban Art Winter Camp with GONZO247
Aerosol Warfare Gallery
2110 Jefferson, Suite 113
Houston, Texas 77003
(next door to calliope's Po-Boy Restaurant)
Artists will create urban art inspired by the current works up in Aerosol Warfare's gallery surroundings, learn art techniques used by GONZO247, develop a better understanding of graffiti art elements and history, and most importantly take home unique creations using what they have learned. This is a fun and informative way to bring urban art into your life! Registrants will draw, paint, view and get visually entertained! Grouped into ages 5 years - Adults!
WEEK 1 December 19th - 22nd (Monday - Thursday) 9 am - 1 pm
WEEK 2 December 26th - 29th (Monday - Thursday) 9 am - 1 pm
$65.00 per day or $220.00 per week
To Register visit
Phone: 832-748-8369
Aerosol Warfare Gallery
2110 Jefferson, Suite 113
Houston, Texas 77003
(next door to calliope's Po-Boy Restaurant)
Artists will create urban art inspired by the current works up in Aerosol Warfare's gallery surroundings, learn art techniques used by GONZO247, develop a better understanding of graffiti art elements and history, and most importantly take home unique creations using what they have learned. This is a fun and informative way to bring urban art into your life! Registrants will draw, paint, view and get visually entertained! Grouped into ages 5 years - Adults!
WEEK 1 December 19th - 22nd (Monday - Thursday) 9 am - 1 pm
WEEK 2 December 26th - 29th (Monday - Thursday) 9 am - 1 pm
$65.00 per day or $220.00 per week
To Register visit
Phone: 832-748-8369
Friday, December 2, 2011
Shoes: Jose Parla & Converse!
"Internationally renowned, Brooklyn-based artist José Parlá is widely recognized for his distinctive abstract process that blends calligraphy, collage, textures, and color to create paintings with complex themes ranging from urbanization, current events to political divisions.
"Using the Chuck Taylor All Star shoe as a canvas, Parlá chose his painting “Ephemeral Pitches, and Notes, Rhythm and Phonetics” to gracethe shoe’s upper. A striking work, the painting explores constant changes to urban lifestyle and was inspired by abstract noises, music, rhythms, languages and sounds of cities. Selected by Parlá in recognition of the change that is part of the mission of (RED), the painting’s
themes also represent a nod to Parlá’s days of youth wearing Chuck Taylor All Star shoes to play basketball, dance and have fun."
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
FL, Miami: Nov. 29 - Dec. 4, 2011: Wynwood Walls
Barry McGee
Brandon Opalka
Coco 144
The Date Farmers
How & Nosm
Interesni Kazki
Jeff Soto
Joe Grillo
Kenny Scharf
Logan Hicks
Os Gemeos
P.H.A.S.E. 2
Ron English
Ryan McGinness
Saner & Sego
Shepard Fairey
Stelios Faitakais
The Wynwood Walls is located on NW 2nd Ave. between Joey's Italian Café on 25th Street and Wynwood Kitchen & Bar on 26th Street.
Wynwood Walls
Open Weekly from Wednesday-Saturday, 12-10pm
Pop-Up Shop
Preview Nov 21-Nov 28 (excluding Thanksgiving), 12-8pm
Art Basel Schedule/Walls and Pop-Up Shop
Open Nov 29-Dec 4, 12-11pm
November 29th, 9-11pm
Public Opening Event at the Wynwood Walls, The Pop-Up Shop and release of The Wynwood Walls and Doors book.
For Art Basel Miami 2011, Goldman Properties will host the first Wynwood Walls Pop-Up Shop and gallery space showcasing exclusive artworks by the celebrated artists who contributed to the mural project. In addition to the works for sale in the group exhibition, the new The Wynwood Walls and Doors book featuring insider texts by Tony Goldman, Jeffrey Deitch, and photographs by Martha Cooper will make its debut at the shop, providing viewers with an indispensable guide to the murals in the area.
Among other collectable and gift items available only at The Wynwood Walls shop during Art Basel are a series of limited edition t-shirts designed by contributing artists, and a series of photo books showing the infamous Houston Street and Bowery murals in New York City created by Keith Haring, Os Gemeos, Shepard Fairey, and Kenny Scharf.
December 2nd, 6-8 pm
Release and Book signing for Graffiti 365 by Jayson "J.SON" Edlin. Published by ABRAMS
Graffiti 365 delivers the first real insider's view into the contemporary graffiti and street-art scenes, as well as their antecedents. A fun, wide-ranging survey of the international graffiti movement, this book uses more than 600 rare, previously unpublished, and legendary images to introduce and describe important artists from Blade to Banksy and styles from bubble to wild. Along the way, Graffiti 365 covers different eras, cities, legendary walls and crews, police and public responses to graffiti, and more.
Nightly from November 29-December 4th
Musical Performances, DJs and Video Programming
Video program to include:
Here Comes The Neighborhood: Season 1 Wynwood
Created and Directed By: Jenner Furst
Executive Producer: Tony Goldman
Produced By: Ben Solomon, Daniel Levin & Julia Willoughby Nason
Coordinating Producer: Meghan Coleman
Slap Happy - A sticker invitational charity event
Curated by Paul Weston and DB Burkeman - 75 incredible visual communicators from around the globe have created an intimate, same size, black and white sticker. Stick 'em up and smile.
Some of the artists:
Aiko, Michael Bevilacqua, Stanley Donwood, Shepard Fairey, Cody Hudson, Jo Jackson, Chris Johanson, Kelly Mark, Kenny Scharf, The Designers Republic
map (PDF)
Kase 2 memorial page - call for images
I'd be very glad to archive some Kase 2 (Case2) memorial work on an Art Crimes page dedicated to him, along with any original work of his that you'd care to contribute for posterity. Certainly the King of Style deserves as good as we can give him.
I know there are pages for him on corporate-owned Facebook and Flickr, but you never know what might happen to those.
It's important to get permission to repost them, so if you send something that isn't yours, please say who it belongs to or who posted it originally so that I can try to get permission.
Please send JPG images via email to as attachments.
Thank you.
In the meantime, please enjoy this wonderful tribute by INX and CHE in Houston, Texas:
I know there are pages for him on corporate-owned Facebook and Flickr, but you never know what might happen to those.
It's important to get permission to repost them, so if you send something that isn't yours, please say who it belongs to or who posted it originally so that I can try to get permission.
Please send JPG images via email to as attachments.
Thank you.
In the meantime, please enjoy this wonderful tribute by INX and CHE in Houston, Texas:
call for artists,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Call for walls: National Museum of Mexican Art (Chicago)
National Museum of Mexican Art
[This organization is based in Chicago, but they have big dreams and they live in a big world. Please suggest projects for them, wherever you are. - Susan]
Saturday, November 26, 2011
DK, Copenhagen: Nov. 25-Dec. 22, 2011: Dandy Stickers
Tlf. +45 2618 1227 +45 6038 0745
Video: France: P19 Jam 2010 and 2011
P19 JAM SESSION - PART 1 from uzin19 on Vimeo.
P19 JAM SESSION - PART 2 from uzin19 on Vimeo.
P19 JAM SESSION - PART 3 from uzin19 on Vimeo.
CA, San Jose: Nov. 19-Dec. 17, 2011: Walls of Fame
Walls of Fame: Force129, King157, Mesngr, Poesia

SF Bay Area
Friday, November 25, 2011
Italy, Treviso: Nov. 19-Dec. 28, 2011: Peeta and Joys
Peeta and Joys
Inaugurazione sabato 19 novembre h18.00.
La mostra resterà aperta dal 19 novembre al 28 dicembre 2011
in via Manin 47, Treviso.
dal martedì al giovedì h18.15-19.45;
sabato h18.00-19.30;
domenica h11.00-12.30, h18.00-19.30.
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