Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

NY, New York: May 22, 2010 - Mural

invites you to enjoy the
Welling Court Community Mural Project

The mural project transforms several city blocks into a street-level gallery, bringing art from around the world directly the community. More than 30 renowned artists with deep roots in the street art movement are creating site-specific works for this project.

Beast, Chris Mendoza, Chris Stain, Celso, Cern, Cey Adams, Cycle, Darkclouds, Darryl Peirce, Don Leicht, Gaia, Greg Lamarche, John Fekner, Lady Pink, Leon Reid, Matt Siren, Michael De Feo, Mr. Kiji, Pablo Powers, Peripheral Media Projects, Ron English, Royce Bannon, Sofia Maldonado, Swoon, Thundercut, Tristan Eaton, Veng RWK, & Younity.

WHEN: Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 4:00 – 10:00 p.m.

WHERE: 11-98 Welling Court, @ 30th Ave & 12th Street, Astoria, Queens NY 11102

Battle: CES vs. BIO

Battle: CES vs. BIO

Canada, Toronto: Last day April 25, 2010 - Mars-1

meta gallery 124 ossington ave. toronto on m6j 2z5

  • e

  • t 416.955.0500

  • f 416.955.0992
  • Tips: Managing your privacy on Facebook

    Things changed this week and suddenly your bits are in the breeze again. Time to lock down or get out. Now they want to sell you and your friends out to advertisers and watch you wherever you go online, because it's profitable for them. Luckily smarter people are building better networks as we speak, so soon we'll have social networks where we're in control of what we reveal about ourselves, friends, and family.

    By the way, I've heard recently that some idiot is impersonating me and/or Art Crimes on Facebook. I don't have a FB account, so if you see the faker, please give them hell for me. Love to get them tossed if you know how. Clue me at

    Thank you, 

    Toy: The Happy Fish by PEZ

    "The Happy Fish" of PEZ from Barcelona. Coolest toy ever. 

    [Santa, please!]

    CA, Los Angeles: April 24 - ?, 2010 - Phil Frost

    opening APRIL 24th 2010 8-11pm

    Known Gallery
    441 North Fairfax Avenue
    Los Angeles, CA 90036


    Interview on 12oz: Keo & Dash167

    FC KINGS - KEO & DASH167

    Mare 139 - Comic on CulturePOP

    Comic-style interview with the 3D sculpture king, Mare 139 on act-i-vate.

    Brazil, Sau Paulo: April 20 - May 1, 2010 - Binho

    Organismos Vivos

    CA, San Francisco: May 7 - June 19, 2010 - Graphic Attack

    Friday, May 7, 2010 6-10pm

    We are pleased to present "Graphic Attack" at 1:AM Gallery, San Francisco's renowned gallery dedicated to exhibiting urban and street art.

    Cope2, CernYMI, Ces, Cycle, Doze Green, Greg Haberny, Hydro74, KeoTC5, Mare139, Morning Breath, PureTFP, Siloette, TrustoCorp, Queen Andrea, Shepard Fairey and Wane

    This exhibition of works will include mixed media works including prints, paintings, drawings, sculpture and installation. Works will be of various price points, making the art accessible to both serious collectors and fans.

    First Amendment Gallery (1Am SF)
    1000 Howard Street
    San Francisco, CA 94103
    (415) 861-5089
    Tue-Sat 12:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M., Sun-Mon Closed

    France, Deauville: April 17 - June 14, 2010


    La Bohême accueille du 17 avril au 14 juin 2010 une exposition collective dédiée au Street Art et plus spécifiquement au graf. Cette exposition regroupe les œuvres sur toiles et supports urbains de trois artistes pionniers de ce mouvement en France (vous trouverez ci-après une biographie pour chacun d’eux) : 

    - Psyckoze 
    - Nasty 
    - Dealyt 

    Ces artistes comptent parmi les plus renommés du graf en France et font l’objet de nombreuses expositions et ventes. L’exposition sera ponctuée de divers évènements dont le premier est une performance réalisée sur support bois par les artistes pour le vernissage de l’exposition. Les artistes auront à leur disposition un panneau de 150x300 cm, quelques bombes de peintures ... et leur savoir faire ! Une seconde performance sera organisée dans le courant de l’exposition à une date qui reste à définir. Cet évènement sera organisé en partenariat avec la mairie de Deauville dans le cadre du 150ème anniversaire de sa création. 

    Galerie d’Art Contemporain La Bohême  
    14 rue Général Leclerc
    14800 Deauville 
    Tel : 

    Friday, April 16, 2010

    Canada, Montreal: April 16-18, 2010 - MTL INTL Fair Paper 10


    We are eager to announce our attendance at Papier10 held by AGAC, Contemporary Art Gallery Association, taking place from Friday April 16th to Sunday 18th 2010. For our first year at Papier10, we will be showcasing the work of Marcel Barbeau, Jean Paul Riopelle Serge Lemoyne as well as Jon Todd, Martin Wittfooth, Dave Cooper, Jean '' Turf One'' Labourdette, Jonathan Bergeron , Omen and Daniel Martin Diaz.

    Founded in 2007, this year will be the third edition of the paper fair that is shaping to be more important that the previous years and will be welcoming more than 30 exhibitors from both Quebec and Ontario. Papier10 is a contemporary art fair that showcases works on paper from the 20th and 21st century from Canadian as well as international artists. Being one of the most popular fairs in Montreal with more than 10 000 visitors, Papier10 is an event you do not want to miss !

    More info

    When ? : Friday April 16th to Sunday 18th 2010 (11 AM to 6 PM, until 8 PM on Saturday)
    Where ? : Military Regiment Black Watch, 2067 Bleury (corner of President-Kennedy), Montreal
    How Much ?: Free


    C'est avec un immense plaisir que nous vous annonçons qu'Yves Laroche Galerie d'art prendra part à la foire Papier10 organisée par l'AGAC, Association des galeries d'art contemporain, qui aura lieu du vendredi 16 au dimanche 18 avril 2010. Pour notre première présence à la foire, nous présenterons des oeuvres de Marcel Barbeau, Jean Paul Riopelle, Serge Lemoyne, de même que Jon Todd, Martin Wittfooth, Dave Cooper, Jean '' Turf One'' Labourdette, Jonathan Bergeron, Omen et Daniel Martin Diaz.

    Fondée en 2007, il s'agit de la troisième édition de la foire de papier qui s'annonce plus importante que les éditions précédentes, accueillant cette fois une trentaine d'exposants du Québec et de l'Ontario. Papier10 est une foire d'art contemporain qui a pour objectif de présenter des oeuvres sur papier du XXe et du XXIe siècles d'artistes canadiens et internationaux. Étant l'une des foires les plus courrues de Montréal avec plus de 10 000 visiteurs, Papier10 est un événement à ne pas manquer.

    Quand ? : Vendredi 16 au dimanche 18 avril 2010 (11h-18h, jusqu'à 20h le samedi)
    Où ?: Régiment militaire Black Watch, 2067 Bleury (angle Président-Kennedy), Montréal
    Combien ? : Gratuit.

    Plus d'info

    NY, New York: May 22-23, 2010 - Worldwide Urban Art Festival

    Scotland, Glasgow: April 19-22, 2010

    Recoat Gallery presents 
    a duo exhibition from Scottish graffiti artists, 
    Rekor and Lyken 

    at LA Bartenders new venue:
    Unit 2 44 Houston St Glasgow G5 8RS

    Live Painting: Monday 19th April 2010 6-10pm

    Exhibition Viewing: Thursday 22nd April 6-10pm

    Auction of Artwork: Thursday 22nd April 8.30pm

    LA Bartenders have been holding a month of art exhibitions. To bring the mini festival to an end they have invited Recoat to exhibit for the final week.

    Recoat have brought together two leading Scottish graffiti artists to create artwork over the week. Rekor and Lyken are both talented artists, they are creative in their mark making and have a flair for colour choice. Within their gallery work they have both started to abstract letterforms and to layer paint and textures. Their work should compliment each other well.

    On Monday visitors can go along to watch the artists setting up and beginning to paint their pieces. They are hanging a series of varied sized canvases on one wall. By painting one large piece across the whole wall they will then create smaller pieces that can be lifted off as individual paintings in their own right. The mural and smaller pieces will then be open to the public for viewing and sale on Thursday the 22nd of April between 6 and 10pm.

    To finish the month of shows LA Bartenders have invited each of the exhibiting galleries to put in several pieces for a live art auction which will take place at 8.30pm on Thursday the 22nd of April. Artwork will be available from Recoat Gallery, Shooting Gallery and Fostering Art.

    Contact Information: Amy Whiten or Alistair Wyllie
    t: +44 (0) 141 341 0069

    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    TX, Houston: Call for artists

    Aerosol Warfare announces a 'all to Artists'for participation in Aerosol Warfare Gallery's 
    2010 Year-Round Exhibition  

    Aerosol Warfare invites street, urban, graffiti or alternative artists to exhibit artwork at 

    Aerosol Warfare Gallery
    2110 Jefferson, Suite 113 
    Houston, Texas 77003 

    for the entire year of 2010. Selected artists have the opportunity to show  and sell art during down-time between our featured quarterly exhibitions. 

    Requirements: To be considered, submitted artwork must follow a theme of street, urban, graffiti, alternative or low-brow art.  National and Regional artists invited.  Photography welcomed.  No age requirement.

    Benefits: professional venue, newly established regular viewing hours, 2010 Art Crawl gallery participation, promotion of all artists via Aerosol Warfare Website, artist opportunities for small gatherings, and more.

    The deadline to submit artwork for Aerosol Warfare Gallery's "2010 year-round exhibition" is May 15th, 2010.  

    Questions?  Please email Aerosol Warfare Gallery at 

    ADDITIONAL Call to Artists: we are inviting artists who would be interested in showcasing artwork at an Aerosol Warfare sponsored event, "Graffiti Gala", scheduled for Late Summer/Early Fall. Please email if interested.  
    Location and date To Be Announced. 

    Canada, Vancouver: April 21-27, 2010 - Live painting

    Peeta along with Indigo (Vancouver, BC), Faith 47 (South Africa) and Titi Freak (Sao Paulo) will be painting live during the week of April 21-27th at

    55 E. Hastings, Vancouver BC

    See also for more information.

    Germany, Hamburg: April 10-June 2010 - Only a butterfly is a good fly

    Only a butterfly is a good fly

    Sillemstrasse 48 a+b
    20257 Hamburg

    (Termine nur nach vorheriger Absprache! By appointment only!)
    +49 179 - 4683922

    oder goto:

    wo zu finden/ where to find:

    CA, San Jose: Call for artists

    Artist Calls - 2010 01SJ Biennial

    France, Paris: May 22-June 26, 2010 - SEEN

    Du 22 mai au 26 juin, la galerie Magda est fière de présenter le 
    SEEN "Godfather of Graffiti"

    Ce dernier commence à peindre sur les trains new-yorkais dès les années 70, à seulement 11 ans! Il est aujourd'hui une véritable légende du graffiti mais aussi un artiste complet qui présente à l'occasion de cette exposition tant des lettrages très graphiques que des oeuvres proches de l'abstraction. Venez découvrir l'un des pionniers du Street Art pour sa première exposition à la galerie!

    Magda Gallery

    IL, Chicago: History of Graffiti class

    Art History 3605 
    History of Graffiti

    Course Description

    It's no secret that graffiti started in New York by the late '70s. This class deciphers the visual language and formal concepts of graffiti and it how it is created, from bubbles to burners. This class aims to unveil the aesthetic evolution of graffiti. How did it spread across the nation? What differences emerged and why? How did it spread to the rest of the world? What have other regions contributed to the aesthetics of this genre? How do geographic backgrounds and social environments play out? Topics include: New York in the beginning, the distribution of tags and information through magazines and the internet, global explosion, marketing & pop culture integration, formal concerns, i.e.: 3-D, characters, committing to a style and planning a full-on "burner."

    Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement.
    Admissions Office: + 1-312 629-6100

    The Art Street Journal

    Peruvian graffiti mag: Sin Normas (Without Standards)

    Underground Productions, now on issue 41

    Underground Productions (UP) is Sweden's graffiti magazine. Think hardcore train action. If you haven't seen one yet, you're missing out.

    MO, St. Louis: May 15, 2010 - R*Sole Ink Off Graffiti Contest

    France, Paris: April 8-29, 2010 - LES GRIFFES DE LA RUE

    Avec : Mr. Chat, Yosh et Katre.

    en résidence chez
    3 rue de Duras
    75008 Paris, France
    (métro Champs-Elysées Clémenceau)
    Tel :
    skype: brantes64

    France, Paris: April 13-May 29, 2010 - Exposition au MAC

    Exposition au MAC (Maison des Arts de Créteil) 
    de Jean Faucheur, L'Atlas, Sun7 et Tanc 
    du 13 avril au 29 mai 2010
    plus d'infos sur

    en résidence chez
    3 rue de Duras
    75008 Paris, France
    (métro Champs-Elysées Clémenceau)
    Tel :

    skype: brantes64

    France, Paris: April 22, 2010 - Chefs D'oeuvres Revisités

    joue les prolongations à la galerie STUDIO 55 en résidence chez Pierre Cardin jusqu'au 22 avril 2010.

    Avec : Jérôme Mesnager, Psyckoze, Sun7, C215, Jean Faucheur, Dran, Aurèle, Tristam Dequatremare, Fabrice Langlade, Emile Morel, Géraldine Cario, Jesus Diaz de Vivar, Jacques-François Loiseleur des Longchamp, Jonathan Bessaci, Benjamin Laading, Romain Ouanely.

    en résidence chez

    3 rue de Duras
    75008 Paris, France
    (métro Champs-Elysées Clémenceau)
    Tel :
    E-mail :
    skype: brantes64

    Germany, Berlin: April 30-May 28, 2010 - Kiss The City

    Kiss The City
    Skalitzers presents the second show in the Fine Lines series, exploring the role of tagging within contemporary art.

    The exhibition 'Kiss the City' features Parisian artists L'Atlas, Babou, Sun7 and Tanc.

    With roots in tagging since the early 90s, it is the making of their mark that unites them.

    Working together since 2003, their works individually interpret the emotion, ambience, gesture and search for the master-stroke.

    "My heart rhythm moves my arm like a metronome. I must try not to control this flow but only understand the composition it causes to appear." (Tanc)

    Join us for the opening at Skalitzers Contemporary with the artists on Friday April 30th, from 7pm. Exhibition until May 28th. Skalitzer 
    Strasse 43 Berlin-Kreuzberg 10997 
    U-Bahn Gorlitzer Bahnhof

    NY, New York: April 15-May 14, 2010 - Fiesta Locos

    Fiesta Locos

    France, Paris: April 19, 2010 - Reading: From Style Writing to Art

    Lecture du livre From style Writing to Art: A Street Art Anthology

    Du 19 Avril, 2010 au 19 Avril, 2010
    19 Avril, 2010 de 18h à 21h

    librairie Shakespeare and Company Paris
    With SEEN
    RSVP required obligatoire:


    Mear One & Mid-City Arts In Association W/ The L.A. Art Machine Presents:


    Saturday May 15, 2010

    Asylm Atlas Cache Eye One Kofie Mear Siner Vyal

    Curated By: MEAR ONE



    Sponsored By 33third Los Angeles

    Mid-City Arts Gallery 
    5113 W. Pico Blvd. 
    Los Angeles Ca. 90019 
    (310) 694-3460 
    Open 7 Days A Week

    CA, Los Angeles: May 22, 2010 - Live painting exhibition

    Cyprus: April 30-May 2, 2010 - Theseus Street Festival


    Cyprus: April 24, 2010 - Street Life 2010

    NY, New York: May 8, 2010 - Rooftop Legends


    Rooftop Legends is a graffiti event presented by the New Design High School. Located in the Lower East side of NYC the event takes place on the schools open rooftop and will be happening May 8th, 2010.

    Featuring crews such as: FC, TC5, COD, AOK, FBA, TFP, TPA, TDS, TATS CRU and more.

    The event started back in 2007 and has been growing every year. DJ ENUFF of the Heavy Hitters will be DJ'ing and with the backdrop of the NYC skyline it has become something that cannot be replicated.

    Keep up with the shows progress, artists interviews and more on the Rooftop Legends blog at:

    You can also drop us a line at:

    TX, Houston: April 24-May 24, 2010 - American Women

    American Women

    Opening reception, Saturday, April 24th 2010, from 6pm – 12 am at Aerosol Warfare Gallery 2110 Jefferson, # 113. Music, live art and Refreshments! Will be on view until May 24th 2010.
    Women are strong, independent, beautiful, caring and complex. They are an essential part of humanity, our society, yet 7% of women (3.9 million) are physically abused by their partner. That’s one every 9 seconds. This show is an ode to all American women who show strength on a daily basis, as well as those who need to see that there are people who care about them and their daily struggle.
    Featured artists include:
    Dirk StrangelyGONZO247, David Mack, Jim Mahfood, Death Head, Jarrod Toonzi Perez, Ben Catfish Perez, Reverend Butter and Tommy Castillo.
    The “American Women” show will be donating funds raised by its silent auction to the Houston Area Women’s Center.

    Freedom In the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy, and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing

    This article is important. It's a bit longer than a typical blog post but if you're involved in social networking,  internet technologies, or publishing stuff on the Web, it's information you need. It explains how we ended up with the spying-riddled, antiprivacy networks of today and what we need to do to make the next, better set of services and networks for ourselves. 

    Spain, A Coruna: May 2010

    Arte Urbano - Workshops and Activities [English]

    Featuring Eltono, MOMO, and Faith47

    Spain, A Coruna: May 7-28, 2010 - Graffiti film festival

    Urban Art at Museo Urbano de Arte Urbana

    CA, Petaluma: April 17 - May 15, 2010 - Reap What You Sow

    Artists Sorrow One and Ricky Watts are showing "Reap What You Sow," an exhibit of their latest works, April 17 - May 15 at the Petaluma Mail Depot. 

    An opening reception will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, April 17.

    Mail Depot hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. The Mail Depot is located at 40 Fourth St., Petaluma. For more information, contact the Depot at 762-8150.

    About Sorrow One (written by Alex Pardee): There are a few different paths that a devoted family man can take immediately after a handful of his loved ones are prematurely stripped of life. One path leads to a realm of unanswerable questions and emotions. A world of defeat. Another path leads to a fantastical world, where art is used as therapy, colorful worlds are created, and a hidden passion is rediscovered in honor of lost love. A decade ago, SORROW chose the latter path. After adopting a name that summed up his feelings, he conjured up old inspirations like HR Giger and Aiden Hughes, and dove headfirst back into his childhood love of drawing, graffiti and skateboarding. For the last 10 years, he has used a mixture of acrylics, spray paint and inks to forge a galaxy of octopus-like skulls and Cronenberg-esque flowers mixed with a cup of street culture on everything from walls and trains to canvases and kicks. Now, both his life and his art are constantly getting brighter.

    About Ricky Watts (written by Adrienne Smith): Richard "Ricky" Watts' style stems from years of practice, tremendous diligence and an endless imagination. Heavily inspired by aerosol art as a teenager, typography, painting murals with spray paint and graphic arts were talents Ricky possessed very quickly. With an appreciation of art in all forms, his love for aerosol lead to concepts of many works in print, on canvas and in digital format. His ability to turn an art form considered by many as "rebelious graffiti" into elaborate, sophisticated works of art has gained attention by many all over the country. Proficient in all aspects of graphic design, from concept to production and a skilled painter and illustrator, Ricky's method is in one word: versatile. Exploring many mediums - brush, pen, pencil, spray can and mouse - he feeds his passion for fine art on canvas and comissioned walls while exercising his craft as a graphic designer.

    Trained at the Art Institute of California's San Diego campus, he graduated with a degree in graphic design and took a job at a print company close to campus. Here he handled all aspects required to manage the company. Almost as quickly as his position began, Ricky was promoted to lead designer and pre-press technician. Visualizing and designing logos and marketing materials came naturally to an artist of his caliber. Ricky longed to be in northern California again and decided to take his newly developed talents back to his bay area hometown. He returned with an impressive portfolio, more experience and fresh new ideas for creative ventures.

    Ricky continued working for print companies during the day and executing his work on walls and canvas in the evenings and weekends. He found room for freelance design jobs usually late at night after multiple cups of coffee. As a result, over the last eight years, Ricky has developed an expectionally unique skill set. He's covered all aspects in print media - designing, as well as pre-press and print production to final bindery and finishing. He's designed an endless amount of flyers, postcards, posters and marketing materials for businesses, shows/events, grand openings and good causes. Ricky's skills have been implemented for magazine covers, skateboard designs and the layout and production of Alex Pardee's artwork for The Used's album, "In Love And Death". A deep-rooted commitment to The Petaluma Phoenix Theater, a California non-profit corporation that provides services to local youth interested in art and music, has given him the opportunity to give back to his community while sharing his expertise.

    Ricky has also finished numerous art pieces on walls, trucks, vans, as well as live painting at late night venues and outdoor festivals. His works have been displayed at galleries as far north as Seattle and south as San Diego. Much like his art that is constantly evolving, Ricky Watts himself is a constant work in progress: always reinventing and emerging with with new innovations and designs and art works.

    CA, Los Angeles: April 24-May 15, 2010 - Rooms

    Eight Artists Each Create a Unique Room Installation of Their Design

    Opening Reception April 24, 2010, 7-10 p.m. 
    On view April 24 Through May 15, 2010

    Opening April 24, Scion's Installation L.A. Gallery presents "Rooms," a group exhibition curated by Roger Gastman that brings eight diverse artists together under one roof.

    "Rooms" will feature unique installations and new works by Kime Buzzelli, Adam Wallacavage, Dueling VHS, Chris Stain, Bill Daniel, Justin Van Hoy, Rocky Grimes, and Dan Monick with Caitlin Reilly. For the exhibition, Scion's 4,500-square foot Installation Space in Culver City will be built out and subdivided into eight individual spaces. Each space will be assigned to an artist, who will create a room from their imagination. In addition, the artist's work will be hung on the walls of their designated room, and be available to purchase.

    Kime Buzzelli will create a teenage girl's bedroom complete with vintage frocks, collected objects and her feminine, fanciful art; Adam Wallacavage's custom chandeliers and frocked wallpaper will fill his guest room; Dueling VHS will build a wood-paneled basement with TVs playing their hilarious episodes; Chris Stain's stencil work will adorn the archway leading outside; Bill Daniel will craft the bedroom of a suburban teenager gone bad with a tent of punk T-shirts, bike parts and crumpled homework; Justin Van Hoy's re-worked NBA logo screen prints will hang in the room of an obsessed NBA fan circa the early 1990s; Rocky Grimes' classroom will be filled with desks, doodles and large cutout human figures; and Dan Monick and Caitlin Reilly's room will become a bus stop at night with portraits of passengers and surrounding scenes installed in light boxes.

    The opening reception takes place on April 24, 7 - 10 p.m. at the Scion Installation Space, 3521 Helms Ave. (at National), Culver City, CA 90232. The reception is free with complimentary valet parking and an open bar. All artists will be present, and available for comment. The exhibit will run through May 15.

    About the Artists

    Kime Buzzelli is an Ohio-born artist based in Los Angeles. She creates paintings, illustrations and fashion-based installations. Her work is often inhabited by wicked women, secret societies, and layered with text that taps into her fascination with the drama of other people's lives. Her work has been exhibited throughout the world.

    Adam Wallacavage is an accomplished photographer, documenting artists, musicians, daredevils and all things weird and wonderful. His first book, Monster Size Monsters, was released in August of 2006 through Gingko Press and spans 15 years of his photography.

    Dueling VHS is a comedic cinematic short film variety show. The core group responsible for Dueling VHS is Larry Langton, a comedian and filmmaker who has worked for broadcast news outlets including CNN, NBC and FOX; Trevor Crafts, the CEO of Full Mind Creative; Santo D'Asaro, a producer, actor, writer and comic; and Jeremy Hoar, a writer director and producer of comedy, music and documentary films.

    Chris Stain is a Baltimore-based artist who combines inspiration from New York subway graffiti and the basic screen-printing techniques of stenciling. His work can be seen in the view of the social-realist movement of the 1940s Works Progress Administration, where the struggles of daily life are documented for all to witness.

    Bill Daniel is a self-trained itinerant filmmaker and photographer. He began documenting American subcultures starting with the Texas skate/punk scene in the early 1980s. His film on the history of hobo graffiti, Who is Bozo Texino? has screened in over 350 venues worldwide.

    Justin Van Hoy was born in Charleston, South Carolina, in the winter of 1981. He is a freelance art director, designer and co-founder of THIS Los Angeles.

    Rocky Grimes taught himself how to screen print, and has since shown his work all over the United States, including the Art Center of S. Florida, Scion Space and the Aqua Art fair. His work has also been added to the N. Miami Museum of Contemporary Art's permanent collection.

    Dan Monick and Caitlin Reilly live in Los Angeles. Monick is a photographer, whose work has been featured in numerous publications including Interview and Rolling Stone. Reilly is an art director who has helped create sets for David LaChapelle, Matthew Ralston and David Lynch.

    More information on this exhibition is available at