Monday, March 18, 2013

New Book: All Stations - Australian trains

All Stations Magazine - All Stations Issue 1 was the first ever full colour, trains only, graffiti magazine in Australia. This rare gem has been out of print for more than 10 years until now. We are proud to bring you an e-book version of the Aussie graffiti classic. It features work from many of Australia's realest and best train writers including Banos and Zombe OSF/TM.

Every cent we make from this book will be donated to help Fuzz One meet the costs of publishing his next book. We won't make a penny from this at all. Given that the philosophy of All Stations was that of love and respect for the NYC masters, this is a great opportunity to give something back.

By buying this book/ebook, not only do you get a rare piece of Australian graf history, you're also helping an NYC subway king get more history into the public eye. Please buy one and tell your friends about it.